I love it when women are excited about their faith, I love it when women are excited about their jobs, and I love it even more when women are excited about those things at the same time!
I originally started Elizabeth Knox Online as a blog to encourage and equip women where faith and work intersect. There are so many things to discuss: How do we figure out our calling? How do we balance work, personal, and spiritual commitments? How do we recover when something we do at work doesn’t reflect who we really are? We need to figure out how to navigate the waters of being an excellent worker and being true to our faith, and at the same time understand that these things are not mutually exclusive.
About Faith Powered Profession
At the Book Launch Party!
As I started delving into these issues with other professional women through leading a Bible Study at my church, I kept writing, and eventually, I wrote a book! Faith Powered Profession is where I explore these topics more deeply and share about the importance of our work from a Biblical perspective, suggest some ways to approach challenging situations at work, and encourage women to integrate their faith into all aspects of their lives, including their jobs.
My desire is that this website, blog posts, and Faith Powered Profession will be resources for you as you try to work well and follow God. I would love to hear about your experiences and insights as a women of faith in the workplace, so feel free to Contact Me.
About Elizabeth Knox
This is me!
I’m originally from beautiful northeastern Pennsylvania and am an eastern woodlands girl at heart. After a number of stops, I made Washington, D.C., my home where I live with my husband and our four young children!
In my free time I like being outside, and have run my fair share of 10-mile and 10K races (very slowly) and a handful of sprint triathlons. I enjoy cooking and making homemade ice cream, especially Isaac Mizrahi’s Mint Chocolate Chip recipe. On my wish list is to be on NPR’s News Quiz Show: Wait, Wait – Don’t Tell Me.
After nearly 15 years in the defense industry, I launched MatchPace, a company that helps organizations structure their workday to optimize their employee’s time and energy, allowing them to operate at the right pace. My professional credentials include management consulting, program management, intelligence analysis, and communications. I received my undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of New Mexico and my Masters in Public Administration from Syracuse University.
Opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent my employer, my church, or anyone else.
Legal & Copyright
My writing is copyrighted in my name. You are free to:
- link to this site or any specific post
- excerpt less than 200 words onto another site or written material. Please either link back to the original post or include: © 2011-2018 Elizabeth Knox. All rights reserved. Originally published at elizabethknoxonline.com.
Please feel free to contact me at elizabeth@matchpace.net.