Faith Powered Profession provides a toolkit that empowers women to walk confidently in both their faith and their career.
Broken up into three parts, this book helps chart a path towards a more integrated life:
Getting Grounded: the theological foundation for thinking about work as a Christian woman
Getting Real: conversations about the challenges we face at work
Getting Going: ensuring our faith is present in every aspect of our lives, including our jobs
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"[Elizabeth Knox] gets real and addresses some of the challenging realities facing women in the workplace…. There is such a need for a book like this!"
—Mark Batterson
Pastor, National Community Church
"[Faith Powered Profession] is a portable mentor for professional Christian women who are seeking to understand the importance of their work, know how to approach the challenges we face there, and ensure that we live our lives holistically—without separating our faith from the rest of our lives."
—Diane Paddison
Author, Work, Love, Pray
Check out Elizabeth’s Google+ Hangout with Diane on YouTube.
"Biblically rooted, practically oriented, and personally experienced, Knox does not simply talk about women or to women regarding their callings; rather, she issues a clear call to women to a higher level of professionalism, integrity, and excellence in the spheres they influence."
—Heather Zempel
Discipleship Pastor of National Community Church
Author, Sacred Roads and Community is Messy
"Elizabeth Knox is stepping forward with a smart, practical and thoroughly inspiring book that I am certain will bring an enormous sigh of relief for working Christian women everywhere. Knox is calling women of faith to stand proud in their calling out in the working world, making a difference, influencing for the Kingdom of God."
—JB Wood
Shrinking the Camel
Author, At Work As It Is In Heaven: 25 Ways to Re-imagine the Spiritual Purpose of Your Work and The Next Level: Essential Strategies for Breakthrough Growth
“[Elizabeth Knox] effectively reminds us of the truth that God has called both women and men to be His change agents in the world, equally gifting and calling us to do so, together, in every sphere of life. You will be encouraged and inspired!”
—Bonnie Pruett Wurzbacher
Senior Vice President, The Coca-Cola Company (ret.)
“Faith Powered Profession invites women to reflect deeply on questions that many face but few spend the time to answer.”
—Stephanie Summers
CEO, Center for Public Justice