Work as Worship Conference - Dallas, TX - November 3rd

Check out this video:

Andy and I are going to this conference next month and I'm really looking forward to it!

ps - The irony of the scheduled date was not lost on me: it's a faith-and-work conference on... a week day. But - "Right Now" puts out some great stuff, so I think it will be well worth it. Plus we'll get to see some of Andy's friends and enjoy a long weekend!

Does your job matter? - (Bonus Post) - Vocabulary Problem

Why do we keep using words that reinforce the problem? Even in this conversation, when we talk about “faith and work” we have a vocabulary problem – when we hear “sacred” we think of things like “faith” and “church” and when we hear “secular” we think “definitely not the church” and “work” usually falls into that category.

Our words themselves trip us up. It’s hard to have this conversation without differentiating between the two, but the whole point of the conversation is to stop differentiating. So before I go any further, I want to acknowledge that it’s a little hard to talk about this without using words that further reinforce the problem.

Does Your Job Matter? (Post #3 of 3) What Should You Do About It?

On Tuesday I had the opportunity to talk at an event called “Does Your Job Matter?”. It was about the importance of not separating your life into distinct faith and work categories, but to live more holistically. Here's the third of three posts, recapping what I talked about:

The work you’re doing is important – it’s important because it gives you a chance to actually come in contact with the world and influence it. It’s important because it’s an offering of worship back to God. And it’s important because it provides things people need.

So what do we do about it? How do we actually go about influencing the world, and how do we talk about it from a Biblical perspective?

Sunday/Monday Disconnect

I find that we have this “Sunday/Monday disconnect.” On Sundays we learn biblical principles, and on Mondays we aren’t sure how to make them relevant to the place we spend most of our time and energy. If we come to the realization that “work” is important – then it becomes important to talk about it from a biblical perspective.

It could be harder for you to be a Christian in some fields. You may face extra scrutiny because you are a Christian; your opinions may be subject to skepticism from those who assume you are trying to advance a certain set of beliefs. Or if you set different boundaries than the culture you work in (boundaries about alcohol, relationships with colleagues of the opposite sex, the hours you keep).

But being different shouldn't stop you from diving in.  We need excellent Christian professionals in every field, and becoming excellent in your field will be tough. It’s a lot easier to sit on the outside criticizing the lack of Christians in academia than it is to get your PhD and become a Christian professor. It’s far simpler to say there’s only garbage on TV than to become an excellent producer and create better television. Why would Christians want to become professors, when they feel pressure from their colleagues that their faith has no place in academics? Why would Christians become television producers when they are told that people only want to programs celebrating a lack of morality? Because we are called to be in the world.

What would your field look like if you weren’t there? What relationship would be missing? What gifts that God has given you would you be holding back? Or what cool invention or policy or artwork do you have in your head that the world could really use?