Launch Party for Faith Powered Profession - Thursday, September 19th
Come one, come all to the Launch Party for Faith Powered Profession!
Thursday, September 19th Redrocks Bistro on H Street NE 5:30-7:30
We'll be on the roof! (unless it's raining, then we'll be on the 2nd floor)
Who receives your best energy?
A few weeks ago I spent a day volunteering with a national non-profit known for doing amazing things for kids and communities. Because of the way the volunteers were organized, I ended up in a group that – other than me – only had employees of the organization.
Just a few minutes earlier, one of these employees had been revving up all the volunteers – getting them to cheer for progress made, getting them to talk to one another and start to build connections, getting people excited about what they were doing for the day. But in the group of just employees, the tone was different. Everyone was quiet. When someone asked a question, the answer was delivered with vague annoyance. There was even a little sighing and eye-rolling.
I had become invisible to the employees, they didn’t realize I was watching their interaction. I was surprised to see the difference between the way they treated the volunteers and the way they treated each other.
Their service events are high-energy and high-pressure, so it’s understandable that they can’t keep that up all the time; and I only spent a few hours with them, so I’m not saying their behavior was representative of the entire organization. But it really got me thinking about how we treat the people closest to us.
I know sometimes I have spent so much energy being friendly with clients that I’m short-tempered with my teammates. Or I’m so tired from spending extra hours with colleagues at work, that I have little energy left to be gracious with my family.
I’m trying to figure out how to structure my day so that I can give my best energy to the people who matter the most to me.
For me, it starts with connecting to my life source. As John 15:5 says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” When I detach myself from the vine by not spending time in the Bible, or not investing in prayer, my priorities get out of whack. I get sidetracked on the ‘urgent but unimportant’ and fail to make sure the really important people in my life are given the attention they need and deserve.
How do you ensure the people most important to you receive your best energy?
Partnership with
I was honored to meet Diane Paddison about 18 months ago at a book signing for Work, Love, Pray. At that time, I told her that we shared a passion for professional Christian women. She encouraged me to stay in touch, and when the time came this past spring to solicit endorsements for my book - I asked Diane if she would be willing to read it and consider endorsing it. Diane called me a few weeks later and shared that she'd always believed there would be 3 sequels to her book - one on work, one one love, and one on prayer. She said that my book was the "work-book" and not only would she endorse my book, but she would welcome me into 4word family, with Faith Powered Profession as the first sequel to Work, Love, Pray.
She introduced me and Faith Powered Profession to the 4word community via a Google Hangout! is dedicated to connecting, leading, and supporting professional Christian women to achieve their God-given potential. Diane blogs weekly about a range of issues - you can see her posts on Mondays. On Wednesdays they interview professional Christian women and highlight how they are serving God and their community - they've highlighted such a range of women! They also provide a very, very comprehensive list of resources for Christians in the marketplace.
Book Launches TODAY!
Faith Powered Profession releases today - just in time for Labor Day! I received actual copies in the mail late last week - check it out! (I'd mentioned before that I was excited to write a book when paper copies are still printed!)
I'm so excited to share it with you! If you are seeking to combine a vibrant faith and a productive career, this book would be a great resource for you. And if you know other women who are trying to do the same thing - I'd be honored if you would spread the word. There's some information below describing the book and where it is sold.
Thanks for celebrating with me!
About Faith Powered Profession
Faith Powered Profession: The Woman’s Guide to Living with Faith and Values in the Workplace addresses the vital question: Can a professional Christian woman combine a vibrant faith with a productive career? This book provides a toolkit that empowers women to walk confidently in both their faith and career. Faith Powered Profession is broken up into three parts:
- Getting Grounded: the theological foundation for thinking about work as a Christian woman
- Getting Real: conversations about the challenges we face at work
- Getting Going: ensuring our faith is present in every aspect of our lives, including our jobs.
About the Author Elizabeth Knox writes about the overlap of work and faith. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband and their son. You can find out more about her on her website or follow her on Twitter. Faith Powered Profession is available online at Amazon, at Barnes and Noble or directly from Russell Media.